The International Classification of Sleep Disorders or ICSD, "International Classification of Sleep Disorders", and the DSM-5 point out that there are different types of sleep disorders, among which insomnia is one of the most common.
It is considered that learning and practicing adequate Sleep Hygiene habits can be beneficial in cases where the triggers of the disorder are found in the environment or in the patient.
The practice of sleep hygiene consists of following guidelines or recommendations that help to have a more effective sleep, which promotes daytime wakefulness and alertness and prevents certain sleep disorders.
Why is it important to learn proper sleep habits and have a conducive environment?
Sleeping well and having a healthy sleep is important and necessary both mentally and physically and affects the quality of life in all areas: health, emotions, relationships, work, etc. Everyone, children and adults alike, benefits from healthy sleep, and Sleep Hygiene can make an important contribution to this. Among the clearest signs that may indicate that you do not have good sleep hygiene are: not sleeping well when you go to bed or excessive daytime sleepiness. We have some control over the behavioral and environmental factors that precede sleep and that can interfere with it, so learn what those factors are and follow the recommendations to create adequate habits and routines that influence our sleep so that it is deep and restful. , it's key. And that is precisely what Sleep Hygiene practices consist of in advice for the constant practice of habits and routines, which help to sleep better and prevent sleep disorders. It is important to know that Sleep Hygiene practices do not always solve sleep problems. There are sleep disorders whose cause is found in other factors. Certain types of Insomnia and other disorders such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea can benefit from Sleep Hygiene, but require other types of specific treatments. For this reason, as a first measure in the treatment of your sleep problems, consult a specialist doctor, who will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your specific case. If you do not suffer from a disorder and as a preventive measure, a Dream Coach or Sleep Coach can guide and accompany you in the implementation and consolidation of new beneficial routines.
Here are some tips for proper Sleep Hygiene:
If you are interested in knowing more Tips Sleeping Well offers Sleep Hygiene courses, we will teach you what are the specific habits and routines that you have to follow to improve your sleep.