Therapeutic relaxation techniques are used by psychologists in cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of insomnia.
These techniques aim to reduce the sleep-inhibiting hyperarousal that people with insomnia sometimes experience.
The origins of relaxation therapy date back to the pioneering work of Edmund Jacobson and his book on "Progressive Relaxation" published in 1929. Since then, many protocols and adaptations of Progressive Relaxation have been used on the same foundation.
Other relaxation techniques include Autogenic Training, Biofeedback...
Throughout the history of psychotherapy, different variants of relaxation have been developed, in terms of activity, visualization, focus, attention process, images, meditative content, philosophical posture, etc., until today with the rise of mindfulness
It has been observed that the positive effect on sleep of Mindfulnses is due to mindfulness, since it seems that the focus of attention is not compatible with cognitive activation. In addition to reducing stress, improves sleep quality.
Psychologists and Coaches can guide you in the different relaxation techniques and help you find the one that best suits you